Git Deploying a Bundled Angular 2 App using Angular CLI to Microsoft Azure

In this screencast I use the angular-cli tool for the first time to package an angular2 app for production before git deploying it to Microsoft Azure.


Angular CLI

The CLI is at the moment of writing in beta and very much still a work in progress. It’s an excellent tool imho for scaffolding a new project, components and services. In this screencast we ran the following commands:

  ng new PROJECT_NAME // creates a new project
  ng g component COMPONENT_NAME // creates a new component
  ng g service SERVICE_NAME // creates a new service
  ng build -prod // builds a production ready version
  ng serve -prod // serves a production ready version

The CLI allows you to do a lot more, I really recommend you to install it and play with it for yourselves.

  npm install -g angular-cli

Also make sure to check out their official github repo which serves as great documentation.

Git Deployment

In this screencast we took a couple of short cuts, we didn’t setup a full CI environment. We initialized a new git repository in the dist folder and pushed only that folder to azure, meaning we built it on our dev machine, big NO NO. The workflow we want would look something like this instead.

  1. We commit a code change.
  2. Agent gets the latest code and builds it.
  3. Tests are run on build agent.
  4. If tests pass, deploy the dist folder to a staging slot.

Nevertheless we still need to enable a git repository for our web app, here’s an excellent guide on how to do that, it basically takes you through the steps I did in the screencast. Basically from the dist folder:

  1. git init
  2. git add *
  3. git commit -m “Initial Commit.”
  4. git remote add azure GIT_CLONE_URL
  5. git push azure master

These commands should fire up an authentication dialog and once you’ve provided the credentials the files should be pushed to the site.


With these steps we’ve managed to create a production build of an angular 2 app and deployed it to Azure. We did it all with just a few command lines using the angular CLI which was pretty awesome. The CLI does lagg behind the release candidates and is a work in progress so please use with caution.

Until next time, have an excellent day!

Angular 2 Upgrading to new 3.0 Router

In this episode we upgrade the ng2play repo to leverage the new 3.0 router and implement a route guard to protect components that require authentication. Here’s the entire changeset, not that bloody considering the changes but this is also a very small application.


Defining Routes

With the old router we decorated our app component with the RouteConfig annotation to configure the routs.

    { path: '/', component: Todo },
    { path: '/about/:id', component: About },
    { path: '/profile', component: Profile}		
  export class AppComponent { ... }

With the new router the routing configuration is no longer bound to a specific component, instead we make it accessible as a provider by exporting it as a const from a separate routes.ts file. Another essential change is that we need to remove the forward slash in the beginning when defining the path.

  import { provideRouter, RouterConfig } from '@angular/router';

  export const appRoutes: RouterConfig = [
    { path: '', component: Todo },
    { path: 'about/:id', component: About },
    { path: 'profile', component: Profile }

  export const APP_ROUTER_PROVIDER = provideRouter(appRoutes);

Wich we can pass in to the bootstrap function in boot.ts instead of passing ROUTER_PROVIDERS as we did earlier.

import {APP_ROUTER_PROVIDER} from './routes';

bootstrap(AppComponent, [

Route Parameters

A component that we route to can access information about route parameters, query parameters and URL fragments by something called, ActivatedRoute, which we can inject into the constructor. The key difference is that route parameters can be accessed through the params property as an Observable or by the snapshot property if subscribing for future changes is overkill. Here’s both ways in our about.ts component:

  import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
  import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

    selector: 'about',
    template: `Welcome to the about page! This is the ID: {{id}}`
  export class About implements OnInit {
    id: string;

    constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {}

    ngOnInit() { = this.route.snapshot.params['id'];
        .map(params => params['id'])
          .subscribe(id => {
   = id;

Guarding routes

Previously we could prevent our components from activating for unauthenticated users by using the @CanActivate and @CanDeactivate annotations. The guarding logic could be put inside a callback function:

import {CanActivate} from '@angular/router';
@Component({ ... })
@CanActivate(() => tokenNotExpired())
export class Profile { ... }

This approach suffered from that we don’t have access to the applications dependency injection and that we need to decorate each component class with it. The new router solves these problems, we can easily create an auth-guard injectable service that we can pass in to the route configuration accordingly:

  import { provideRouter, RouterConfig } from '@angular/router';
  import { AuthGuard} from './auth-guard';

  export const appRoutes: RouterConfig = [
    { path: '', component: Todo },
    { path: 'about/:id', component: About },
    { path: 'profile', component: Profile, canActivate: [AuthGuard] }

  export const APP_ROUTER_PROVIDER = provideRouter(appRoutes);

The auth guard has access to the applications dependency injection and we can redirect the user to the root component if they are not allowed to navigate to the component.

import {tokenNotExpired} from 'angular2-jwt';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/router';

export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
  constructor(private router: Router) {}

  canActivate(next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    if (tokenNotExpired()) {
      return true;

    return false;

Let’s also not forget that we’ll need to pass the auth-guard to our bootstrap method to be able to resolve the dependency:

import {APP_ROUTER_PROVIDER} from './routes';
import {AuthGuard} from './auth-guard';

bootstrap(AppComponent, [


With these steps we’ve managed to migrate our application to the new 3.0 router, quite frictionless seemingly, but imho they started calling angular2 for RC way too early. It’s still moving too much to even consider using this for production anytime soon.

Until next time, have an excellent day!