Cookie vs Token Based Authentication with Angular2 using ASP.NET 5

I recently produces a series of tutorials on how to piggy back on aspnet5’s cookie based authentication in an angular2 application. If you’d like to learn more about how aspnet5 and angular2 can be used together, make sure to check out the full series here. Part 1: Up and running with ASP.NET 5 Identity Part […]

Get Started with VS2015, AspNet 5 RC1, Angular 2 alpha 47

In this screencast we setup a dev environment for VS2015 Update 1, TypeScript 1.7.4 and Angular 2 alpha 47 starting from an empty aspnet5 project template. The plan is to evolve this example to include cookie based authentication with aspnet identity and fetch data securely from a webapi controller. Code available at github. Let me […]

Introduction to ASP.NET 5 (Part I) – Frameworks, DNVM, DNX and DNU

This is the first part of an introduction to ASP.NET 5 series. We start easy by taking a look at the different runtime versions and the dnvm, dnx and dnu commands. Plan to release a new part/lesson every week, check out the entire playlist here. Cheers!

Authenticating Your Angular SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0

My first pluralsight course is live, make sure to check it out and give it a thumbs up if you like the course! Curious about the authoring experience? Read about it here! Cheers!

First pluralsight course live

I’m proud to announce that my first pluralsight course now is live, make sure to check it out: Authenticating Your Angular SPA with ASP.NET Web API and Auth0 Modules The course is split into the following three modules. An Introduction Course introduction with brief overview of Auth0, where we also register for a free developer […]


There seems to be some confusion about abbreviations used with aspnet5 (vNext), let’s try to sort them out and give a brief explanation. DNX is a SDK and a runtime environment for creating .NET applications for Windows, Mac and Linux. Basically it allows the cross-platform development using the .NET 5 Core. DNU is the .NET […]